Well, the year’s not even over yet and I’m already getting twitchy. It’s important to me not to wish my life away but I’m really excited for early April 2023. The graph above is my catch data for lure-caught Ballan Wrasse and it seems to suggest that we’re not starting early enough. We had some spectacular wrasse fishing in mid-April here on the central South Coast this year, which implies we missed the slower start. However, what the data doesn’t show is the amount of times we’ve tried to target early Ballan Wrasse on lures and blanked. But I’m genuinely buzzing to find out, even if we encounter a few tough sessions.
27th April, 2023 @ 9:00 am
Quick update. Unfortunately modern life had other ideas this year, so a proper assault on early-April wrasse will have to wait until 2024! But personally, I don’t think I’ve seen too many of those early, warm, bright days that I had in mind for inshore wrasse fishing. Hopefully conditions improve soon.